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Who’s That Community Helper?


Students learn about community helpers in this fun interactive game. They also build a variety of language and literacy skills as they discuss the identity of other students who are dressed up as community helpers.

Read Transcript

Teacher: “Some people are dressed up in different things, and we are going to guess what their job is. So, we are going to look at everybody and you’re going to see what their job is, and I have some cards up here that we’re going to look at and when you pick what you think their job is, you’re going to look through the cards to see which one goes with their job. What do you think Emily’s job is? Gazelle.”

Gazelle: “The flowers.”

Teacher: “Okay, what does she do with the flowers?”

Gazelle: “Water them.”

Teacher: “She waters the bushes and the flowers. And how do we get the flowers? What does she have to put in the ground?”

Class: “Seeds!”

Teacher: “Seeds! She has to plant them. Right?”

Class: “Yes!”

Teacher: “Yes! So, she is a gardener. Can you say, gardener?”

Class: “Gardener!”

Teacher: “Okay, I’m going to put some cards up here. Let’s see if you can find which one is the gardener. Gardener. What sound does gardener start with?”

Class: “G!” Teacher: “Ashley, go see if you can find the gardener. Which card? Did she pick the gardener?” Class: “Yes!”

Teacher: “Yes, look this is the gardener card. Because it starts with a G. Raise your hand if you know what her job is.”

Student: “A policeman.”

Teacher: “How do you know that she is a policeman. What is she wearing? Do you see anything on her jacket?”

Student: “A badge.”

Teacher: “A badge. She’s wearing a badge on her jacket. Good. And, where else is she wearing something?”

Class: “A hat!”

Teacher: “A hat! She’s wearing a badge. And what sound does policeman start with?”

Class: “P!”

Teacher: “Emily V. come find the card for policemen. Lucy was what?”

Class: “A train conductor!”

Teacher: “And Alenny’s was.”

All together: “Mailman!”

Teacher: “And Sarah was.”

All together: “A McDonald’s worker.”

Teacher: “And Kevin?”

Class: “Fire-fighter!”

Teacher: “The firefighter. And Alex? The construction worker. And Emily?”

Class: “A police girl!”

Teacher: “A police girl! Right! We call them police officers. And, Emily O.?”

Class: “Gardener!”

Teacher: “Gardener! Let’s give them a hand!”

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A global movement of people sharing knowledge and learning from each other, to better educate our children and create hope for the world.



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