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Wait Time (Partner School)


St. Mary’s Convent Junior College of Education | Allahabad, India

Sometimes, you may want students to think deeply about a question before giving a response. Using wait time gives students the time they need to think before answering.

Thank you to Sr. Jane and her class at St. Mary’s Convent Junior College of Education for providing these narrations.

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When a teacher asks a question, students tend to want to answer right away. But when a question requires them to think more deeply, the teacher can use the Wait Time method.

The teacher prepares the students by saying something like, “I’m going to ask a question, but I want you to wait and think for a few moments. I’ll signal when I’m ready for your answers.”

Then, the teacher asks the question. The Wait Time lasts a few seconds. Then, the teacher signals for the students to give their answers. This method seems simple, but it is important to allow time for students to think more deeply about a question.


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