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Sorting Objects by Size


Noel Lucero | Kensler Elementary | Wichita, Kansas

This activity teaches students about sorting objects according to their relatives sizes: small, medium, and large. The teacher gives each student some objects of different sizes and the students sort them into the three categories.

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Hi, today I’m going to talk about one way I teach sorting by attributes to my students. So, I’ve talked about sorting by color, this is sorting by size. So, I have some objects here that are different sizes, three different sizes specifically we talked about small, medium, and large. So, there’s a small present, a medium present, and a large present. I also have two kinds of sorting mats, but you don’t even really need a sorting mat at all. I have this sorting mat which is just some circles on a piece of paper, and then I have another sorting map that kind of has a visual guide for those students that might need more assistance. So, I have a large, a medium, and a small section, sectioned out for them. And so, what you’re going to do is, you do the same thing. You’re, you’re going to get your objects, whatever they are and you’re going to put them in a section. Have the kids sit around and say, so I have these objects here, my presents, and I want to sort them. But, I’m not quite sure how to sort them. And so, what you’re trying to do is stimulate some discussion and problem-solving with your students. So, some students, if they already have the color sorting skill might say, oh well you’re going to put all the same color here, and this color here, and put the green one here, and the silver here. And, they can sort it by weight, that way, and that’s absolutely fine. But, then you’re going to say that’s right, I can sort them by color, but I want to sort them a different way. So now, they’re really having to think of a different way to sort those objects. And then eventually they’ll get to the point where they’ll say, well I’ll put all the same sizes together. Like these two are big ones over here. I’m going to put them over here. And these two are medium, and these two are small I’m going to put them over here. And so, then have them explain to you why they did that, because they’re the same size. So, then the activity you can have your students do, is just have a mat, give them a handful of objects and then have them sort them by size. Large, medium, and small. So, they would put the largest in the section for large, medium in medium, and small in small. And all you want to do is have them explain to you why they sorted them that way. And that’s how you sort by attributes. Thanks.

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