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Positive Reinforcement


Jena Simms | Wichita Collegiate School | Wichita , Kansas

Students receive brag tags for positive behavior. This helps reinforce that behavior and gives students an extra goal to work toward.

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So, in first grade one thing that we use to reinforce positive behavior is something called a brag tag. Now, brag tags are simply just pieces of paper that have positive reinforcing messages on them. We give brag tags out throughout the week or on Friday. And we just hang them on a lanyard. The kids get to wear these lanyards around their neck on Friday’s, and they even get to leave the classroom with these sometimes. And so, this is just a way to give positive reinforcement for those great behaviors. Some of the brag tags say, “Rocked the test” or, “Stellar for the sub.” Some of them we have purchased on-line at various sites. Others we have created ourselves, which is really a simple thing to do. The other thing that we’ve done is made and easy storage system for them. And so, what we do is we just hang them on our cabinets, just like this. And then every Friday they can come over and get their brag tags, and can be so proud of all of the positive behaviors they have shown all week long. Positive brag tags have been a great game changer in our first grade. Hope they work for you to.

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