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Finding and comparing sums


Jena Simms | Wichita Collegiate School | Wichita, Kansas

Each student takes a domino and counts the dots. Students then compare the numbers. The student with the largest number takes both dominoes.

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Today we’re going to be playing a game of dominos. The girls are going to show you how to compare numbers on a domino. Each girl will take a domino, they’ll count the dots on the domino, 8, 10. So who has the bigger number? 10 is the bigger number. Then they give each other a compliment. Now draw again. 4. 2. Who has the bigger number? 4. This game continues until all the dominos are out of here. And at the end, they will count the dominos in their piles, and usually, it’s not this one-sided, but they continue to play and they give nice compliments to each other. We work on different strategies. When they work with these dominos several times, it becomes easier for them to recognize the numbers on the dominos quickly. Try this game in your classroom today.

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