Share how you teach with
educators around the world.
educators around the world.
Master effective teaching tools
shared by skilled educators.
shared by skilled educators.
The world is your classroom
All children deserve a
quality education. You can
help—right now, right where
you are. The lessons you
already teach can benefit millions.
quality education. You can
help—right now, right where
you are. The lessons you
already teach can benefit millions.
The world is your classroom
All children deserve a quality education.
You can help—right now, right where you are.
The lessons you already teach can benefit millions.
You can help—right now, right where you are.
The lessons you already teach can benefit millions.
Explore lessons
focused on laying a strong foundation in early childhood.
How to Teach
by Subject
by Subject
Tips for teaching
Literacy, Science, Math,
Social Sciences and Arts.
How to stay organized to keep
students focused on learning
General principles and
methods for effective teaching.
Using Movement to
Count Syllables
Giving Students a
Place to Calm Down
I Do, We Do, You Do
Explore lessons
focused on laying a strong foundation in early childhood.
How to Teach by Subject
Tips for teaching Literacy,
Science, Math, Social
Sciences and Arts.
Science, Math, Social
Sciences and Arts.
Classroom Management
How to stay organized to
keep students focused on learning
keep students focused on learning
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Teach for Life is the educational branch of Trees for Life
Trees for Life demonstrates that when a few dedicated people work toward one common goal, something extraordinary happens. The combination of their diverse skills creates a force that can move mountains. For over thirty years, we used that force to empower people around the world—which led to the planting of millions of trees.
Now Teach for Life is harnessing that same force to help educate our children.
A global movement of people sharing knowledge and learning from each other, to better educate our children and create hope for the world.
A global movement of people sharing knowledge and learning from each other, to better educate our children and create hope for the world.